Our current order processing time is 0-2 business days for in-stock merchandise.
Orders can be shipped by FedEx, UPS, or USPS services. Time in transit will vary depending on what your geographic area is and can be anywhere from 2 to 5 days in transit. If you need to “RUSH” an order and need a quicker delivery please contact us at mexabilly1969@yahoo.com before placing order.
For backordered items, customer will be notified of items found not to be in stock. You can decide to cancel your order if you wish to do so at that time. You can expect your order to ship 0-2 business days after the backordered item is returned to stock.
We want to ensure that your order is shipped to you as quickly as possible. If you believe that your order has experienced a delay in shipment which exceeds the normal processing and shipment time, please let us know by emailing us at mexabilly1969@yahoo.com.